Wind solar hybrid street light

Wind solar hybrid street lighting is an intelligent and complete stand-alone LED street lighting system. Composed of solar modules and small wind turbine, deep cycle batteries, controller and one or few street lights, this hybrid system harvests energy from both wind and solar and store it in deep cycle batteries to power street lights during night. Using a combination of wind & solar resources the system will provides a stable and constant flow of power to power the street lighting.
The major advantage of wind solar hybrid street lighting system is that when solar and wind power productions are used together, the reliability of the system is enhanced. Additionally, the size of battery storage can be reduced slightly as there is less reliance on one method of power production. Often, when there is no sun, there is plenty of wind. Wind speeds are often low in periods (noon time & summer) when the sun resources are at their best. On the other hand, the wind is often stronger in periods (evening time & spring, winter) when there are less sun resources. Even during the same day, in many regions worldwide or in some periods of the year, there are different and opposite patterns in terms of wind and solar resources. And those different patterns can make the wind solar hybrid systems the best option for street lighting.
Advantages Compare with Solar Street Lighting
Wider applicable areas – hybrid system offers a much better reliability and sustainability to areas with less solar radiation level, long rainy season or long winter.
Longer battery life – normally wind turbine generates more power during night, part of power generated will supply the light directly, part of power could charge the battery during night, so less charging and discharging loss from battery and also each battery charging cycle is prolonged.
More cost-effective in windy areas – in the area with annual wind speed of 5-7m/s, wind solar hybrid system could have higher production to power higher capacity LED lights or more lights which could lower the system overall cost.
Easier installation & Maintenance – solar street light system cannot put bigger (max. 360W in two sections) PV panels on light pole considering wind load; wind solar hybrid system allows bigger capacity installed on light pole, which could generate enough electricity to power 2-4 LED lights, which means one power system supply for 2-4 lights, it will be easy for installation and maintenance.
HYE Solar Street Light Systems Include:
¡ñ Photovoltaic (PV) module- monocrystalline/polycrystalline
¡ñ HY Series small wind turbine-400W/600W/1500W/3000W (12V/24/48/96V)
¡ñ Light source – ultra bright LED light 20/30/40/60/80/90/120W
¡ñ Controller – 5/10/15A wind solar hybrid controller, automatic light controller, automatic operation, multi work mode, over charge protection, high wind protection etc.
¡ñ Energy Storage – sealed maintenance free AGM gel deep cycled battery
¡ñ Battery Box – water proof design battery box
¡ñ Light Pole – 6/8/10/12/16m light pole with 30/50m/s wind resistance
System Circuit Diagram

Standard Solutions